Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Media Evaluation


  1. before i watch this and comment i wanted to say how excellent the posts to do gadget box is - great idea and a good way to evidence planning and independent management of the project

  2. overall - stunning - outstanding work
    nice to see big brother and sister offering feedback
    there are odd spelling mistakes that jump out

    excellent use of technical, theoretical and creative literacy; correctly and fluently evidencing a high level of media and english literacy

    brilliant reflective comments

    action -
    looking forward to the finalised version with the odd gaps filled in
    when analysisng the media group feedback I like the style but do not forget to reflect on their negative comments - address them as a producer and reflect on whether they are valid/pertinent criticisms - what could/should you do in response - or not?

    in the section on what technologies have been used your mode of address is far less analytical and the language is less complex/high level. To get it up to the standard of the rest you need to also add critical theory - it is an excellent place to consider the technological determinism concept - to what extent is the creation/content and style of your product driven by your digital media literacy and competence - also the post-modern and we-media concepts - analyse how technology is driving your narrative and the structure/form/style of your outcomes

  3. thank you for meeting the deadline Kieron - i am looking forward to a good long read - enjoy the rest of the break and well done on all your hard work
