Friday, 4 November 2011

Questionnaire Results - What to include in teaser

Because of the popularity that the Thriller genre had with both females and males I have plotted both of their results in one pie chart to answer what would raise their interest in a teaser trailer as one target group.

The thing they felt would raise their interest the most was actually the effect of creating suspense which is a very popular technique I have discovered with the teasers I have deconstructed. The second most popular thing was storyline which will be the technique of providing the audience with clues to what genre the film is or hints as to what themes and plots their are within the full film. Music and Sound was the next most popular answer followed by Cast and Action. This would make me think that it is perhaps more the effect of the trailer that raises interest with audiences rather than who they see is in it, especially within a short 30-60 second clip.

  • Creating suspense will ultimately raise the most interest with my target audience. 
  • The clues to the storyline is very important to allow my target audience to know what they could be watching if they are to see the film. 
  • Music and Sound also plays an important part in grabbing the attention of my audience, something I have seen done with teasers for 2012, Inception etc. where music helps to tell the story whilst also creating suspense. This is almost the point that will help the first 2 - Suspense and Storyline.
  • It seems that the studio, director and distributor were not main selling points for my target audience. This works well as the film would have an independent background so these would not be the selling points the same way they are for Warner Bros films.

1 comment:

  1. create and import a slideshow of visual images - stills for movies / character models / locations etc that amplify the feedback you ave elicited - it will provide evidence of breadth / research / as well as providing evidence of initial visual and aesthetic decisions - it might work well to add it as a prezi linked to this post - that way you can add research images and your own first experiments/collections of visual ideas etc
