Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Technological Determinism Theory

Explanation of Theory: it states that media technology shapes how we as individuals think, feel, act and how are society operates as move from one technological age to another. e.g. from tribal to being literate to having the ability to print and now living in an electronical age with it's ideas almost based on technology allowing us to do as little as possible to translate information across.

A specific word for this could be miniturisation, making products on a greatly reduced scale, something that Apple our famously known for doing, promoting the scaling down that has occurred in each new product they release whether it be iPhones of Computers.

This brand that has transformed technology into more of a cult following, creating an audience that have a need for any product they release. An interesting thing that was said in one of our media lessons is ''apple has created a need for a product no one needed''. A major reason for this could be the positives that come with buying an Apple product, the aesthetics are sophisticated, sleek and what most tech-savvy people would call sexy. Being able to show case these qualities creates a sense of achievement, that the owner has been able to afford this product. So when they released the iPad in 2010 and sold 14.8 million world wide it is likely that the majority of these customers had already purchased an iPhone or an Apple Mac that is almost just as portable and can do just as much as the iPad can.

This following of the brand shows the huge support that then develops its technology whilst all the while it has not been forced upon us but it has been welcomed. A main point when studying the Technological Determinism Theory.

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